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Body sculpting is the process of destroying fat cells. The body sculpting treatments we offer at Arabella’s Total Skin Care are non-invasive procedures that come with little to no side effects.  
At Arabella’s Total Skin Care we specialize in several distinct types of body sculpting treatments. While you may get comparable results with each type, these methods can look and feel vastly different. You can even schedule multiple treatments for optimal results. 
Our packages are created to give you maximum results in the treated area. We can contour your chin, thighs, lower back, or butt to help you get the body you want. The Bella’s Beauty packages are personalized face and body contouring treatments that use various combinations listed below: 

ULTRASOUND CAVITATION: Also known as laser lipolysis is a safe FDA approved treatment used to remove fat deposits under your skin. Fat cells are broken apart by sending a disruptive sound wave deep into the layers of your skin, causing the fat cells to break apart and disconnect from the skin's dermal layer. These fat cells are then absorbed in a few days by your lymphatic system and drained using the body's natural elimination processes. This process can be used on your belly, thighs, buttocks, back, chin and upper arms. 


  • Natural 

  • Non-invasive 

  • Versatile- can be used on your belly, thighs, buttocks, back, chin and upper arms 

  • Safe and painless 

  • Effective 

RADIO FREQUENCY SKIN TIGHTENING: Also known as radio frequency skin tightening, is a procedure that uses energy waves to heat deep layers of your skin to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives your skin firmness and as you get older your cells produce less collagen leading to sagging and wrinkled skin. Cellulite is a subcutaneous fat that causes your skin to dimple because it has been pushed through your connective tissue. Radio frequency targets subcutaneous fat by emitting waves that heat your fatty layers causing your skin to tighten and increasing your blood circulation helping the fatty deposits drain through the lymphatic system. 


  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite 

  • Reduces body fat 

  • Gives your skin a youthful and firmer appearance. 

  • This procedure is perfect for post op smoothing. 

LASER LYPOLYSIS: Laser lipo therapy uses 650nm radio frequency light to break down stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. They are released through the cell's membranes causing the cell to contract and shrink. The fatty acids are then reused by the body's tissue as energy. The fat is released into the interstitial space and transported to the lymphatic system. It targets the "problem areas" and helps you obtain the look you desire. 


  • No down time 

  • No pain 

  • No anesthesia. 

  • Please note that a course of 8 treatments produces a loss in inches for men and women!! 

VACUUM THERAPY:  Uses a combination of Radio Frequency (RF) and Vacuum Therapy to gain access to your deeper fat cells. The cells are brought to an active state due to localized heat increasing your blood circulation. The increase in blood circulation helps tighten sagging or loose skin repair from the normal effects of aging. 


  • Muscle stimulation, decreasing muscle tension 

  • Lymphatic drainage 

  • Breaking down cellulite and fatty acids 

  • Eliminates toxins 

  • Stimulates the blood in the dermis and hypodermis 

  • Improves your skin texture and tone 

  • Kick starts Weight loss 

  • Cellulite reduction!!!!! 

WOOD SCULPTING: Deep tissue massage when applied with wooden tools like; ribbed or Cobb Roller, Cubed Roller, Contouring Paddles, Mushroom Cup, or the Swedish Cup, helps to break down fat. The wooden tools apply direct pressure to your "Problem Areas". 


  • Reduces cellulite 

  • Eases sore muscles 

  • Eliminates fat 

  • Encourages lymphatic drainage 

  • Speeds up Metabolism 

  • Stimulates Blood Circulation 

  • Reduces Stress and Promotes better sleep 

VIBRATION PLATE:  Just a short session of this process helps to increase lymphatic drainage and tone muscle. Increases your sculpting results!!!! 


  • Boost Weight Loss 

  • Reduces Back Pain 

  • Reduces Negative Impact of Stress 

  • Increase Bone Density 

  • Improve Balance and Flexibility 

  • Improve Blood Circulation 

  • Boost Metabolism 

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) VACUUM SUCTION CUP THERAPY: Vacuum therapy is also known as vacuotherapy and depressomassage. This technique helps to lift your skin via a mechanical device equipped with suction cups. 


  • Decreasing muscle tension 

  • Increasing lymphatic flow to remove toxins and water retention 

  • Exfoliating the skin, giving the appearance of smoother and more toned Butt 

  • Stimulating the middle layers of skin for increased toning effects 

  • Decreasing the appearance of cellulite 






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